Einion - A Little Sea Trip

Einion - A Little Sea Trip

A 29 Hour Trip Covering 555 Miles!

Just when we thought it was time to worry just a little bit less, Einion has better ideas. Not to be outdone by his brother and sister, both of which have made hockey-stick shaped westerly changes in direction over the last few days, Einion decides he would join in too. Problem is, he was already on the coast so the next land he would see would be the Cape Verde Islands 440 miles to the west; and if he missed those, Barbados - nearly 3,000 miles away.

On Saturday morning (October 1st), he set off west from Dakar, Senegal at 10am - straight out to sea. By midday he was going like the clappers - 47mph at an altitude of 700m heading directly for the Cape Verde Islands.  He then turned south-west and by 8pm his altitude had dropped to 200m and his speed was just 11mph. He was flying really slowly, in pitch black, in the wrong direction and with the whole of the night ahead of him.

Miraculously, at 9pm he finally switched direction and flew east, back towards Africa. He flew 130 miles overnight at an average speed of just 12mph. Then at 8am on Sunday, October 2nd, he changed direction again and headed north-east. Shortly after 2pm on the Sunday afternoon he finally made landfall again.

MWT - Einion's sea trip, October 1-2, 2011

Einion flew non-stop for 29 hours, covered 555 miles - all of it over sea, much of it in the dark, only to end up exactly where he had set off the day before, Dakar. Just when you though it was safe to go back in the water..