50 Short Stories

50 Short Stories

New Series Planned

A new series of 50 Short Stories based on building the Dyfi Wildlife Centre.

Just to let you know, beginning this weekend we will start a new series.

As we embark on our greatest journey yet, we will bring you 50 'Short Stories' between now and next April when we finish building the Dyfi Wildlife Centre. You'll find these on this DOP page and also on the website.

Each Short Story will focus on one aspect of the building and will include an explanation of what is happening and why - at that particular time.

It will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions and keep up to date on the building's progress. We'll do our best to answer all your questions.

We will include either a quality photo(s) or video with each Short Story so that you can hopefully see how we've taken many of your comments and suggestions over the last two years (remember the Survey Monkey questionnaire you did in January 2018?) and applied them to the new centre.

We warmly welcome you on our winter journey with us, it should be fun.

Start the JCB... 

DWC construction