Dulas - Speedily Over the Sahara

Dulas - Speedily Over the Sahara

2651 Miles in 12 Days

On September 20th, Dulas set off at first light, clearly he had no intention to stop like his brother. By lunchtime he had passed Marrakech and was soon over the Anti-Atlas Mountains, coming to rest after a day’s flight of 173 miles. On the 21st Dulas spent no time hanging around and was off in a SW direction. By mid-afternoon he was across the border into Algeria and stopped for the night NE of Tindouf, a day’s journey of 153 miles. 

22nd - Flying in a SW direction he pressed on, passing through Western Sahara and covering 206 miles before roosting in Northern Mauritania. 

23rd - No stopping him now, he covered another 291 miles flight down through Mauritania. 

24th - Passing to the east of the Akchar desert Dulas had covered 90 miles by 2pm, the time of the last data received.

Dulas, migration data for 12 days. Dyfi Osprey Project.

In 12 days of migration, Dulas was now 2651 miles from home. He was just 322 miles off the border of Senegal and more importantly, water. Will he have covered that distance in two days? We will find out tomorrow….

Dulas migration data over Sahara Desert. Dyfi Osprey Project.