Blue 3J Lays Her Second Egg

Blue 3J Lays Her Second Egg

Egg 2 Arrives

At 10:42 this morning Blue 3J laid her second egg.

Just like her first one, she didn't really display any of those characteristic pre-laying behaviours that we often see. She just flew down from the birch perch where she had been eating, walked to the centre of the nest and plopped an egg out.

So great news, this is the first time that Blue 3J has got this far, if she lays a third egg, we'd eggspect that sometime Saturday morning.

The wind and rain have been really bad here on the Dyfi this week; both Monty and Blue 3J have dug such a deep egg-cup and fortified it against the elements, it's rather difficult to see what's in there!

This second egg has got quite a lot of red ink on it, so easy to distinguish from the first one. Here's a short video of our best views today: