Berthyn and Hesgyn Fly

Berthyn and Hesgyn Fly

Fledging.. and Fish

It's been a very successful July fledging window

All three of our chicks have fledged:

18th July: PERIS Fledges at 11:11am, 52.3 days old
20th July: BERTHYN Fledges at 16:52, 54.8 days old
21st July: HESGYN Fledges at 11:51, 53.3 days old.

All three youngsters took a day or two longer than the average (Dyfi) fledging age, but it seems to have paid off; Peris, Berthyn and Hesgyn have become excellent fliers in very quick time.

Exact age of all 22 Dyfi chicks at fledging 2011 - 2019:

MWT - Age of Dyfi chicks at fledging 2011-2019

The younger chick, Hesgyn (right), fledges the day after his big sister, Berthyn, and lands right next to her following his inaugural flight

Berthyn, Hesgyn © MWT

Berthyn (left), Hesgyn. © MWT

Here's a quick video of Berthyn and Hesgyn fledging:

We've noticed a strong bond forming this year between two youngsters in particular - the two brothers, Peris and Hesgyn.

In a month's time they will fly south independently and may never see each other again, but for now, they seem to be the best of friends.

Fish Pie

Here are the fish stats so far this year (thanks to Vicky as always for doing these for us).

As expected Telyn has started to catch fish for herself in the last fortnight or so, exactly the same period in the breeding cycle as she did last year.

Fish Pie chart of all the fish species caught in 2019 

MWT - Monty and Telyn' fish pie 2019
Numbers of all-catch fish species in 2019 
MWT - All catch species 2019

Monty:Telyn fish caught

MWT - Monty and Telyn's Fish Bar 2019, weeks 1-16

Key Dates

Here are some key dates for you regarding the end of the 2019 season:

  • 30th August - FRIDAY - DOP closes at 17:30 for the season
  • 1st September - SUNDAY - Live Streaming will be switched off late evening

The following day, Monday 2nd September at 08:00, construction work will start on the new Dyfi Wildlife Centre

APRIL 2020 - DOP will open in the Dyfi Wildlife Centre for the first time